Vote for Karina in the VIVA400 awards 2019
Karina is selected for the VIVA400 2019 award, in the category tech talents! An honour to be selected!
Nominated for the Gouden Gieter award
The Gouden Gieter challenge is looking for products that combat problems due to climate change -drought and flooding. Together with 16 others we are selected for the category ‘Best Product’! A jury will review all nominees and the winner will be revealed on November 21 in Houten.
Field Factors wins 100K for their solution for rainwater management in the city
Our CEO Karina pitched in front of an international jury during the final of the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge. The largest business plan competition in the world. Amazing to be in the top 5 out of 1,167 entries!
We made it to the finals of the Green Challenge!
Field Factors is one of the finalists of the Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge 2019. Together with other four green start-ups from Great Britain, Germany and Sweden, we will be on 3 October in the final of the annual sustainability competition of the Postcode Loterij.
First Bluebloqs system in Belgium ready for use!
In Flanders, with a view to climate change, there is a need to sustainably manage the city's wastewater. Our team has worked hard during the summer to build a test setup of the Bluebloqs biofilter at Aquafin in Aartselaar (BE), to explore the possibilities of Bluebloqs in this matter.
From London to Munich: ExpoReal 2019!
Field Factors is selected to pitch at the finals of the Built World Innovation Contest 2019. Wow! Nice to show the potential of rainwater to the construction sector. In October we will be at ExpoReal 2019 in Munich. You can find us at Startup Alley.
Keep you posted! Or see you there?
A rainwater harvesting system for Zorrilla Football Stadium, Valladolid
We are working on a feasibility study to give insights into the technical, institutional and economic aspects for the implementation of our Bluebloqs system to reuse stormwater for irrigation of the sporting fields at the Zorilla football stadium, in Valladolid (ES).
Testing Bluebloqs Biofilter to treat stormwater runoff
Maintaining good surface water quality and dealing with drought are growing challenges in urban areas. To help municipalities, water authorities and end-users adapt to climate change, we have developed Bluebloqs technology. Bluebloqs Biofilter is part of our circular system to enable rainwater storage and reuse in urban areas.
Constructed Wetlands for water treatment
Our Bluebloqs Biofilter is part of our retention, treatment and storage system for rainwater reuse. It is designed as a constructed wetland with vertical downward flow, to minimise operational costs and optimise the use of space.
Urban Waterbuffer supplies water for Sparta stadium, Rotterdam
The first Urban Waterbuffer was opened at the Spartaplein in Rotterdam. This was accompanied by a neighbourhood festivity, which also focused on the importance of the changing urban climate.
Participatory budgeting for climate adaptation
How can we define the value different measures provide to the end-users and how can we involve inhabitants when planning for climate adaptation? Together with researchers from the TU Delft and the Municipality of The Hague, we are conducting a research into the value inhabitants derive from grey and infrastructure to prevent pluvial flooding.
Defining co-benefits of circular water management in Spangen
As part of the H2020-project NAIAD, which assesses the insurance value of ecosystems for water related risk mitigation, we hosted an interactive and inspiring Stakeholder Workshop to assess the effectiveness of the Urban Water Buffer project in Spangen, Rotterdam.
Rapid prototyping in our design process
Now that the realisation of the first full-scale pilot application of our Bluebloqs system in Spangen is coming up, we would like to give some insights in how we are able to reach this point in development. During the product design process, different aspects often need to be tested to find the best solution.
Bluebloqs: full-scale working prototype
At The Green Village, an innovation test site in Delft, we have been able to implement and test the performance and mechanical properties of our system, including water flow, robustness, stability, assembly method and much more!
Insight into applications of the Urban Waterbuffer
The space needed for water retention and infiltration in urban areas is typically limited. This results in conflicts with other uses of space, and in solutions that are expensive. With the Urban Waterbuffer (UWB) rainwater in urban areas can be purified and retained for a longer time, without obstructing other spatial functions.