A rainwater harvesting system for Zorrilla Football Stadium, Valladolid

Setting our first steps in Spain! Our team went to Valladolid to kick-off the project and do a first site analysis.

We are working on a feasibility project is to give insights into the technical, institutional and economic aspects with regard to the implementation of the UWB at the Zorilla football stadium.

  • Develop the technical design for collection, treatment, infiltration and reuse of rainwater in the project location, based on water quality and geohydrological conditions.

  • Compliance with Spanish regulations regarding reuse of rainwater and aquifer storage.

  • Preliminary design to implement the UWB at the Zorrilla Stadium, including impact in the local context, required permits, cost efficiency and co-benefits

  • Develop implementation plan for realisation of a Pilot in 2020.


CCO Field Factors


From London to Munich: ExpoReal 2019!


Testing Bluebloqs Biofilter to treat stormwater runoff