LIFE GreenLED: 18 months of advancing rainwater reuse in cities!
Did you know that FieldFactors a proud member of the LIFE GreenLED project? This initiative, co-financed by the European Union’s LIFE programme, is revolutionising urban water management with nature-based and LED-powered rainwater treatment technologies.
Celebrating 5 years of Innovation with UpLink
UpLink celebrates 5 years of innovation, supporting 500+ visionary innovators and building a collaborative network to tackle global challenges. Our Co-founder and CEO, Karina Peña, features in a special video marking this milestone. Since its launch at the World Economic Forum's 2020 Annual Meeting in Davos, UpLink has been a leader in sustainable innovation, focusing on water sustainability and climate resilience. Join us in celebrating this journey of impactful collaboration and transformative solutions.
GreenLED: a year of scaling rainwater reuse in cities
Approaching the first year of implementation, the GreenLED consortium met at the end of May in Madrid to share the progress of this unique project. This project will create a reference in climate adaptation by demonstrating that rainwater can be a reliable source of water to meet growing urban water demand, meeting the regulatory constraints for public health and rainwater reuse in cities.
Nationale Klimaat Expo 2024
Do you want to know how you can mitigate flooding, drought and heat stress in the built environment?
Visit our stand at the National Klimaat Expo in Houten on April 17 and 18! We will show you how to tackle multiple climate problems with one integrated solution.
When: April 17-18, 2024
Location: Expo Houten, Houten, NL
Stand 3.017
FieldFactors partners up with AB InBev in the 100+ Accelerator
FieldFactors is one of the 32 startups selected in the 100+ Accelerator program to partner up with four of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, which are opening up their supply chains and leveraging their teams to maximise collective impact. FieldFactors is partnering up with AB InBev to improve water quality and access to water in water-stressed communities in AB InBev’s supply chain.
FieldFactors praised as Top Innovator by the World Economic Forum in Davos.
FieldFactors has been selected as a Top Innovator by UpLink, the innovation platform of the World Economic Forum. Fieldfactors is one of the 10 global winners of this year's Zero Water Waste challenge. In the challenge, Uplink looked for innovative water usage approaches to improve freshwater conservation from supply to demand, moving towards zero water waste.
FieldFactors nominated for the Waterproof Award 2024
FieldFactors is nominated for the Waterproof Award 2024. Since 2019, we have been working with cities and end users in Spain to mitigate urban flooding and tackle water scarcity with our BlueBloqs Circular water systems. For the positive impact or our work, we have been nominated for the Waterproof Award by Partners for Water.
Dutch-Spanish consortium receives €3 million EU subsidy to make cities climate resilient.
A Dutch-Spanish consortium receives €3,000,000,- to scale up rainwater reuse in European cities. The project is funded by the EU funding instrument for the environment and climate action, LIFE. Two demonstration sites will be realized in Alphen aan de Rijn (The Netherlands) and Madrid (Spain), in which approximately 10 million liters of drinking water can be saved every year.
5 startups are invited to pitch at the United Nations Water Conference side event, in NYC.
We are thrilled to be showcasing our solution in a pitch competition hosted by Imagine H2O and Wavin Group at the UN 2023 Water Conference in NYC next week. The pitches will cover the most promising solutions in each of the UN 2023 Water Conference themes: Water for Health, Sustainable Development, Climate, Cooperation, and Take Action.
Off to Mexico!
We are very happy with our Partners for Water subsidy to explore opportunities in Oaxaca, Mexico. In the project, together with the urbanism firm BD+P and the Mexican consultancy firm Centro, we will assess how we can help Mexican cities and water users to tackle water scarcity and urban flooding with our rainwater reuse solutions. In this interview, Karina tells you more about the project.
Lieke, onze nieuwe stagiair productontwerpen.
Sinds een maandje hebben we een nieuw gezicht in ons team: Lieke. Ze studeert aan de Hogeschool Rotterdam en zit in haar laatste jaar. Ze gaat aan de slag met de modulariteit van ons BlueBiofilter, het product dat water op een natuurlijke manier zuivert. We vroegen haar wat meer te vertellen over de komende tijd. Lees het interview hier!
Wijkpark Cromvliet wint Steenbreektrofee
Je herkent het niet meer terug: het Wijkpark Cromvliet is een groene en levendige plek geworden, waar buurtbewoners graag samenkomen. Deze week werd het park als winnaar gekozen van de Steenbreektrofee. 'Zo moet het', oordeelde de jury.
Dit is Ruben, onze nieuwe business developer.
Wellicht ben je hem wel eens tegengekomen: Ruben Wentink. Met jarenlange ervaring in de waterwereld komt hij nu het FieldFactors team versterken als business developer. Om Ruben beter te leren kennen hebben we hem wat vragen gesteld. Waar komt hij vandaan? Wat gaat hij doen? Het interview lees je hier.
Workshop Startup in Residence Groningen
Hoe breng je innovaties voor #klimaatadaptatie in de praktijk? In het kader van het programma Startup in Residence Noord-Nederland hielden we vorige week dinsdag een workshop in Groningen, met de hele waterketen!
Hittestress te lijf in het MILEU Magazine.
Hittestress te lijf in het MILIEU Magazine, met de Urban Waterbuffer in het Cromvlietpark op de voorkant 🌱
Actief Grondwaterpeilbeheer voor de Gemeente Pijnacker-Nootdorp
Het is begonnen. Gemeente Pijnacker-Nootdorp gaat Actief Grondwaterpeilbeheer toepassen door middel van de Urban Waterbuffer 🌱
This is Lola - our water quality intern.
Meet Lola - our newest team member. She is here for a 4-month internship, all the way from France. She will work in our R&D department and her focus is on water quality.
Earth Day: 12x tips to invest in our planet
Today is Earth Day, with as general theme: Invest in our planet. Our colleague Mary wrote tips for municipalities, sports clubs, landscape architects & individuals to be more earth-conscious.
Karina in the spotlight during the trade mission to Madrid
This week we participated in the Trade Mission Water in Spain, organised by RVO and the Dutch Embassy in Spain. Karina joined the mission and had the opportunity to share our experiences working in Spain, showcase our project in Madrid and establish new relationships. We asked her to tell us more!
Mirthe reflects on her 5-year career at Field Factors
Mirthe is making a new career move. Five years after launching her career as Field Factors’ first official employee, she will be starting her own business in the wool industry. Of course, we cannot let her go without reflecting on her time at Field Factors.