Smart products & full service for rainwater reuse
Your ultimate partner for circular urban water management.
A modular and flexible system.
Our products and services are specially combined to provide integral solutions for the design, implementation, operation and management of rainwater reuse systems that last.
BlueBloqs® for rainwater treatment, storage & reuse.
Our modular, nature-based product line for on site rainwater management makes your project site or facility water-neutral and climate-proof.
H2Q® unburdens system managers & operators.
The smart solutions for remote control, operation and monitoring of your circular water system.
Our smart rainwater reuse products
We aim for our solutions to become the new standard in circular urban water management.
The nature-based treatment of rain to comply with European water quality standards for deep infiltration & reuse.
The brains behind your BlueBloqs system that enable remote control and water quality monitoring.
Deep infiltration and extraction wells use the subsoil for storage and recovery of stormwater.
H2Q Dashboard
The Cloud solution gives insights into key performance indicators of your BlueBloqs system.
From building bloqs to BlueBloqs
We view our products as building bloqs - together they build an integrated solution for rainwater reuse.
From design to operation:
we offer service packages during the different phases of your project
With our international team of designers, engineers and specialists we provide you integral service during the design, construction and operation of your installation. Start at any point.
1. Initiation Phase
Feasibility Study
Get a technical outline of your rainwater reuse system.
2. Planning Phase
Get a great design that can be built and maintained.
3. Construction Phase
Product delivery
& Installation
Get your system built on time and with care.
4. Operation Phase
& Maintenance
Ensure your system stays at its absolute best.
Global Recognition
We have won several international competitions on innovation & sustainability in urban water management.
Winner 2020
Imagine H2O Urban Water Challenge -
Finalist 2019
Postcode Lottery Green Challenge -
Funding 2019-2020
EIT Climate-KIC
Let’s use rain to make your project future-proof!
To tackle drought and heat stress and create climate-resilient public spaces.
To comply with water compensation regulations and make your project water neutral.
To secure your water supply for safe & playable fields all year around.