Customer: Aquafin
Partners: Aquafin, Delft University of Technology
Year: 2019-2020 -
Collection: 280 m2
Buffer: 4 m3
BlueBiofilter: 9 m2 -
Water use: Testing
Project phases:
Product Delivery
Operation & Monitoring
Field Factors is inspired by nature
We combine design, engineering, water science and technology to implement solutions that make the urban water cycle sustainable.
The solution in a nutshell
Triggered by the effects of climate change, Aquafin has the ambition to implement solutions to manage urban rainwater more sustainably. This led to a collaboration with FieldFactors in the Demonstration project Bluebloqs Circular Watersystems, financed by EIT ClimateKIC, aimed at testing and demonstrating the BlueBloqs technology in Flanders.
A pilot-scale Bluebloqs biofilter was constructed at Aquafin’s Research campus in Aartselaar, Belgium in 2019. There, Aquafin researchers and technicians test novel approaches to water treatment and management, and identify new solutions for implementation in the municipalities they manage and consult. A compact, Bluebiofilter only version of Bluebloqs technology collects and treats water from the roofs of facility buildings which is tested on-site for removal of stormwater pollutants.
In 2019 research was conducted to evaluate the heavy metal removal by spiking the influent water with heavy metals. The influent was also spiked with ammonia, nitrate and phosphates. In 2020 the pure influent water (roof run off) was researched, with regards to organic contaminants and bacteriological contamination. The effect of the Bluebloqs system regarding removal of organic components was measured by conducting lab analyses every week and monthly analyses were done to research the effect on heavy metals and bacteria.
“Researchers in Aquafin’s R&D facility are very dedicated to finding innovative solutions to improve water management in Flanders. They provided useful insights on the potential of the BlueBloqs solution and where it can help to address key challenges.”