GreenLED partners

GreenLED is an innovation project implemented by a Dutch-Spanish consortium to scale up rainwater reuse in European cities.

The project is funded by the EU funding instrument for the environment and climate action, LIFE.

FieldFactors  logotype


FieldFactors is an innovative Dutch company, focused on the design, development and implementation of circular systems for rainwater reuse in urban areas. The LIFE GReenLED project builds upon FieldFactors revolutionary BlueBloqs solution for rainwater reuse in cities. FieldFactors is the project coordinator and oversees the entire project implementation and demo implementation.

Apria Systems

Apria Systems is a technology-based company located Spain. Established as a spin-off of the Advanced Separation Processes R&D group of the UC, Apria is awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Competitiveness with the seal “INNOVATIVE SME”. Apria leads the technical development of the GreenLED project. Apria will benefit from the project by upscaling it UV LED disinfection technology for market application in urban rainwater reuse, in collaboration with FF.

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid logotype

Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM)

Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) is the oldest and largest Spanish technical university, covering most of the Engineering disciplines, Architecture, Computer Science, and Geodesy & Cartography. The UPM's research team involved in GreenLED holds a sound experience in wastewater treatment with a particular expertise on water reclamation and reuse, as well as on developing and monitoring treatment strategies including nature-based solutions. UPM will be scientific advisor of the technical development and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the demo site in Madrid.

TU Delft logotype

Delft University of Technology (TUD)

Delft University of Technology (TUD) is a Dutch higher education and research institute with the mission to make a significant contribution to a sustainable society by conducting ground breaking scientific and technological research, amongst others, on water resources management and treatment. TU Delft facilitates the knowledge valorisation in GreenLED, providing the necessary support, R&D facilities and scientific support, and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the demo site in Alphen aan den Rijn. The inclusion of an EngD position in the consortium also creates a learning community.

Alphen aan den Rijn (AADR)

Alphen aan den Rijn (AADR) is a city in the province of South Holland, in The Netherlands. The municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn focuses on sustainable and circular solutions with the aim of preserving the world and keeping it liveable for the next generation through their urban planning and renovation activities. Urban greening is one of the tools for achieving this goal, and Alphen, being a Dutch city recognises the criticality water management, and its central role in climate adaptation of the city.

Los Ahijones logotype

Junta de Compensación Desarrollo Urbanístico del Este Los Ahijones (JCLA)

Junta de Compensación Desarrollo Urbanístico del Este Los Ahijones (JCLA) is a private entity, composed by a group of real estate developers, housing associations and private investors of the urban development project Los Ahijones in the southeast of the City of Madrid. JCLA contributes to the project by implementing a demonstrator of the integrated LIFE GreenLED solution in one of the public parks (Parque Oeste) of the development project.

GreenLED green facade

Get to know GreenLED’s innovative rainwater reuse solution

GreenLED will help accelerate Europe’s climate resilience and water neutrality in urban areas by reusing rainwater for close-contact urban applications. All in a chemical-free, natural and environmentally-friendly way.

Nature and LED based rainwater treatment for reuse in green cities.

LIFE GreenLED (LIFE22-CCA-NL-101114560) is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.