Karina Peña Karina Peña

Interview in BNR Nieuwsradio (in Dutch)

In this episode of BNR Nieuwsradio (in Dutch), Kieran explains how we have created a circular system for rainwater storage and reuse in the Blijdorp Zoo. 150,000 liters of rainwater is stored, thus saving the same amount of drinking water.

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Anne-Laure Kok Anne-Laure Kok

Start-ups in de bouw testen hun uitvindingen in een 'openluchtlaboratorium'

‘‘Het mag steeds vaker extreem hard regenen, Nederland heeft ook te maken met langere periodes van droogte. FieldFactors beproeft een methode om verspilling van regenwater tegen te gaan. De start-up ontwikkelde een grote plantenbak die water opvangt en filtert, waarna het in een ondergrondse opslagput terechtkomt.’’ - NRC

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Anne-Laure Kok Anne-Laure Kok

Rain, it’s every cyclists worst nightmare.

‘‘But 10 projects do a little dance when the weather forecast predicts dark clouds, because here Bluebloqs catch rainwater and store it so it can be used in times of drought’’ - TU Delft

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Anne-Laure Kok Anne-Laure Kok

Droogte in de stad

‘‘Wetenschappers en alumni van de TU zijn betrokken bij allerlei initiatieven en innovaties om droogte in de stad tegen te gaan. Vier voorbeelden.’’ - TU Delft

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Competitions Anne-Laure Kok Competitions Anne-Laure Kok

Delft start-up Field Factors crosses the border

“For this challenge, New York City and Copenhagen sought innovative solutions to capture and treat rainwater in order to reap the benefits of rainwater. (...) This jury unanimously chose Field Factors' Urban Waterbuffer as the most innovative solution for their assignments." - Land and Water

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Competitions Anne-Laure Kok Competitions Anne-Laure Kok

“Just do it! It’s a nice process, and can have a great impact on your team. The boost it gives you as entrepreneurs is priceless!”

‘’Meet Field Factors, a finalist of Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge 2019. Committed to making smart use of a natural resource - rainwater - the start-up uses natural systems to implement treatment and infiltration technologies in urban areas.’’ – Postcodeloterij Green Challenge

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Drought Anne-Laure Kok Drought Anne-Laure Kok

Saving rainwater for drought

“And it yields more than building a new sewer. You earn back the investment by reusing the water. Water has a value. It is a shame to flush it down the sewer." - Telegraaf

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