
Urban Waterbuffer at Klapwijk, Pijnacker-Nootdorp

Stable groundwater levels due to local water source in Klapwijk.

  • Customer: City of Pijnacker-Nootdorp
    Partners: KWR, Aveco DeBondt, Geoinfra, Van Kessel Wegenbouw
    Year: 2018-2026

  • Catchment: 45.500 m2
    Buffer: 115 m3
    BlueBiofilter: 60 m2
    Stored water:
    30.000 m3
    Reused water: 13.500 m3

  • Water use: Stable groundwater levels

Project phases:
    Feasibility study
    Product delivery

 FieldFactors is inspired by nature

We combine design, engineering, water science and technology to implement solutions that make the urban water cycle sustainable.

  • BlueBiofilter


  • BlueWell


The solution in a nutshell

  • Why

    The Klapwijk district in Pijnacker-Nootdorp is suffering from subsidence due to fluctuating groundwater levels and the locally drying out peat. The planned large-scale sewerage renovation offers the opportunity to tackle these problems. In addition, the municipality has the ambition to make the district more climate-proof by managing rainwater within the district. It is relevant that Klapwijk is located at the back of the regional water system: the supply and discharge of freshwater has been delayed as a result.

  • What

    The feasibility study and the concept design both show that rainwater can be collected through gutters at street level and slowly infiltrated into the ground to the drains. The water is buffered in a pond in the parks before being treated and stored in the underground. In dry periods, the water is distributed through the same drains to maintain stable groundwater levels. The treated water is also used for cooling and for children to play during hot summer days. A nice side effect of the drains is that playgrounds quickly dry after heavy rainfall.

  • How

    The feasibility study was carried out at the same time as the spatial vision for the renovation of the district. This enabled the incorporation of our solution early in the renovation and planning process, being integrated into the spatial plan.

    Construction has started in March 2023.

We have been involved with FieldFactors since the start and believe in this idea. I am very proud that the system is now actually being implemented!
— Debby de Ruijter, City of Pijnacker-Nootdorp
  • Urban Waterbuffer Pijnacker-Nootdorp
  • Urban Waterbuffer Pijnacker-Nootdorp
  • Urban Waterbuffer Pijnacker-Nootdorp
In 2016 we had already been in contact with Kees van Schieveen about the future renovation of Klapwijk. The fact that we are now, 6 years later, starting construction shows faith in a successful cooperation.
— Wilrik Kok, Founder of FieldFactors

Urban Waterbuffer at Sparta Stadium, Rotterdam


Urban Waterbuffer at Cromvlietpark, The Hague